Dorthe Krarup

Dorthe Krarup
1 bedømmelse

Oversat fra engelsk:

Vi vil fortælle at vores flyvetur fra CPH til Reykjavik var forfærdelig, fordi der ikke var benplads mellem rækkerne, vores knæ rørte ved sæderne foran os. Heldigvis skulle vi skifte fly i Reykjavik, men vi fik det samme fly til Newark. Vi sad i dette fly uden plads til benene i 6 timer, det var forfærdeligt. Derudover larmede flyet så meget, at vi ikke kunne tale til hinanden, men måtte råbe.

Vi havde vores værste flyvetur og vi synes ikke det var acceptabelt.

Original bedømmelse:

We want to tell you that our flight from CPH to Reykavik was awful, because there was no space between the rows, our knee touch the seat infront of us. We have fortunatelly stop and flightshift in Reykjavik, but we was entering the same flight to Newark. We was in this flight with no space to the legs for 6 hours, it was awful. Despite the flight was so noisefull, that we couldent speak to each others, we have to shoute.

We had our worst flight and we think that it was not acceptable.